Standard Ad Sizes
Why do we need any standards in sizes ,I think it would be so great if we create any size of Ad that we feel like, just in case – a place of 40×40 is available on the right side of the site, we will make up the Ad of the same size and fix it up there, so great we occupied the size perfectly , but No that’s not a right way !! Technically , by business perspective or by any way it won’t be right way to handle things at higher level . When online advertising started there were no standardization of sizes but with time the online industries started to grow and advance a lot there was a need to make standards of everything so that everyone remains on the same page with no confusion.
With standardization of sizes , the advertiser’s didn’t have to design new ads for each site they advertised on , ans also publishers were able to have standard designs for their pages to accommodate specific ad dimensions.The standardization helped both advertiser and publisher , the publisher don’t have to worry for non standards ad sizes that don’t fit the design of their site , just like i gave example for 40×40 ad size. And for advertiser they just have to create one set of ads and know the most sites will be able to accommodate the ad dimension they use.
I am sure you must have got the right reason for standardization so let’s get to know what are the standard sizes we have in online world ::
728 x 90 : Leader-Board
This size is generally seen on top of the site or sometimes at the middle and bottom.
300 x 250 : Medium Rectangle
Well known used size which is generally seen on every site.
160 x 600 : Wide Sky-Scraper
This standard size of Ad is seen at the left or right side of the webpage.
SNAPSHOT for above 3 sizes ::
Basic Standard Sizes
These three sizes are the most basic one used by advertiser and thus publishers maintaining these sizes usually ..
The IAB currently specifies number of Ad dimensions , other than above three are :
- 250 x 250 – Medium Rectangle
- 240 x 400 – Square POP-UP
- 336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
- 180 x 150 – Rectangle
- 468 x 60 - Full Banner
- 234 x 60 - Half Banner
- 88 x 31 - Micro Bar
- 120 x 90 - Button 1
- 120 x 60 - Button 2
- 125 x 125 – Square Buttons
- 120 x 240 – Vertical Banner
- 120 x 600 – Sky Scraper
- 300 x 600 – Half Page Ad
Just to give you the virtual view of all the Ad sizes you can refer the below image uploaded by WIKI..
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